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Pfad: Startseite > QFD-Forum > Ausgabe 25 > Abstract: QFD education

Assuring Quality of QFD-Education in Germany
Wolfram Pietsch, Georg Herzwurm, Dietmar Zander

6 Seiten 187 KB

Assuring Quality of QFD-Education in Germany 


In order to to establish quality assurance for QFD-Education, the QFD-Institut Deutschland (QFD-ID), the German member of the International QFD Institute (QFDI), has been launching a strategic initiative. Within this initiative constructive measures are highly concerned in order to achieve an ongoing process of advancement of QFD proficiency within Germany. The goal is to establish a common framework for education and to cultivate methodological diversity and advancement at the same time. QFD-ID does not deliver QFD training itself, but issues certificates for completion of a QFD-Education which conform to the rules of the QFD-ID. The Certificate is supposed to serve as a formal proof of participation, but the primary purpose of the QFD-ID is to recognise the achievements of individual members of the QFD-community and to stimulate further advancement regarding QFD. Hence just members of the QFD-ID are eligible for certification and certificates will be awarded for a limited time only. QFD-ID has formed an initial certification board which identified the major QFD paradigms or ‘QFD-Schools’ within the German community and asked the major advocates of each school to form a team of distinguished experts to devise a standard schema for education,. The form of education may vary from traditional seminars concluded by an exam to training-on-the-job concluded by a formal assessment or audit. A standardised template for documentation of training methods has been provided and there is an elaborate Certification Codex estab-lishing rules for the certification process. Individual commitment to this Codex is a prerequisite for certifi-cation. Four generic levels of achievements regarding QFD have been defined: The highest level is the QFD-Architect (#4), followed by the QFD-Facilitator (#3), the QFD-User (#2) and finally the QFD-Potential (#1). Goals, skills and prerequisites of each level are discussed in detail. The rollout process of the certification programme is explained. The certification board has been appointing meritable members of QFD-ID for certification at level two and three. Active participants of QFD-conferences and QFD-ID best practice workshops may be eligible for certification if specific conditions are fulfilled. Volkswagen Germany is a corporate member of QFD-ID and started a certification and assessment initiative in order to spread the spirit of QFD and to as-sure the quality of QFD Education within the entire enterprise. There are different education paths for level 1, 2 and 3, but one single and independent certification process. 


Prof. Dr. Wolfram Pietsch, FH Aachen, Prof. Dr. Georg Herzwurm, Universität Stuttgart, Dietmar Zander, Volkswagen AG

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