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Pfad: Startseite > QFD-Forum > Ausgabe 29 > Abstract: QFD within a co-opetition network

Application of QFD within a co-opetition network of public transport organizations
Sixten Schockert, Georg Herzwurm, Andreas Helferich (ISQFD'13)

13 Seiten 1,13 MB

Application of QFD within a co-opetition network of public transport organizations 

(veröffentlicht in Proceedings of ISQFD’13–Santa Fe & 25th North American Symposium on Quality Function Deployment, S. 234-246)

Public transport organizations are competitors as well as cooperative partners in providing services to their passengers. In this setting of co-opetition we apply QFD heading for the vision of offering passengers integrated transport services. The paper will present the necessary adaptations and extensions of QFD as well as lessons learned.

Der Beitrag schildert die Anwendung von QFD innerhalb des vom BmBF geförderten Projekts Apriikose zur Entwicklung einer Appliance zur Unterstützung von KMU bei der Erbringung komplexer Mobilitäts-Services. Information zum Projekt finden Sie auch auf www.aprikose.wi.uni-stuttgart.de

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